Great Hornbill - Hornbill species of the world (update 2020)

Hornbill species of the world (update 2020)

Hornbills are medium- to large-sized, large-billed, long-tailed birds of tropical forests, savannas, and grasslands, comprising the family Bucerotidae. The 62 species of hornbills are distributed widely through the tropical regions of Africa and Asia. Most hornbills live in forests, and nest in holes in trees, while the species of open habitats nest in cavities in hollow trees or in holes in cliffs. Not …

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Natural History Curiosities - T-rex skeleton

Are dinosaurs still alive?

That starling at your birdfeeder? It is a dinosaur. The chicken on your dinner plate? Also a dinosaur. That mangy seagull scavenging for chips on the beach? Apart from being disgusting, yet again it is a modern-day dinosaur. It may seem inconceivable, but birds are living dinosaurs. Our feathered friends evolved from toothy, sharp-clawed, carnivorous …

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