20 interesting facts about the Crowned hornbill, Lophoceros alboterminatus

20 interesting facts about the Crowned hornbill, Lophoceros alboterminatus

Crowned hornbills, scientific name Lophoceros alboterminatus, are a species of bird found in southern Africa. They are large birds, with a distinctive appearance that includes a black and white pattern on their bodies and a bright yellow bill with a red casque on top. Here are 20 interesting facts about crowned hornbills: Crowned hornbills are …

Read more 20 interesting facts about the Crowned hornbill, Lophoceros alboterminatus

Great Hornbill - Hornbill species of the world (update 2020)

Hornbill species of the world (update 2020)

Hornbills are medium- to large-sized, large-billed, long-tailed birds of tropical forests, savannas, and grasslands, comprising the family Bucerotidae. The 62 species of hornbills are distributed widely through the tropical regions of Africa and Asia. Most hornbills live in forests, and nest in holes in trees, while the species of open habitats nest in cavities in hollow trees or in holes in cliffs. Not …

Read more Hornbill species of the world (update 2020)