Dr. J. Th. Oudemans – De Nederlandsche Insecten – 1900


Author: Dr. J. Th. Oudemans
Publication year: 1900
Publisher: Martinus Nijhoff
Pages: 968 p.

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‘De Nederlandsche Insecten’ by Dr. J. Th. Oudemans.
With 38 lithographed illustrations and 427 text figures.
Typ. Zuid Holl. Boek- en Handelsdrukkerij, ‘s-Gravenhage.

Textually with 427 figures on a total of 810 pp. An index of 26 pp.
38 numbered lithographed illustrations with numbered insects and a preceding page with the numbers and Latin names.
Both with a blank verso, together 152 pp.
In fact a total of 968 pp.

A voluminous and respectable reference work by Dutch entomologist and dendrologist Johannes Theodorus Oudemans (1862-1934).
He worked as zoology lector at the University of Amsterdam and later became the custodian of Landgoed Schovenhorst near Putten, where the oldest Dutch Pinetum can be found.
He became the first chairman of the Vereniging Natuurmonumenten in 1905. Besides that, he was a member of the board of the “Nederlandsche Dierkundige Vereniging and the Nederlandsche Entomologische Vereniging”.

A gorgeous book weighing more than 2 kilograms in almost perfect condition.