A unique print test of the official published book in 1907, probably intended to be checked by a mineralogical expert: in fact, in the volume (in 4 to, regularly bound) includes only the first 96 pages (instead of the 252 of the complete text), 226 engravings n.t. (instead of 281) and the first 13 chromolithographic plates (instead of 26).
Rigid binding; both the text and the binding are in excellent condition.
The curious feature of this book lies a printed note, at the end of the text and regularly inserted in the binding, pointing out some errors in the illustrative text of 2 plates. These errors, however, have never been corrected in the final editions that appeared on the market!
In the same period (at least) 2 other versions of the same work were published with the same color plates with the text of different details, in fact:
BERNARD A. Atlas minerálů
L. Kober, Praha, 1907, full canvas binding, 26 colour lithographs depicting 396 minerals; 80 text pages with 73 engravings withing the text.
Leteur, F. Traité élémentaire de minéralogie pratique
C. Delagrave, 1907. In-4 – broché, couverture rempliée éditeur – 152 pages, imprimées sur 2 colonnes – illustré de 150 gravures et de 26 planches hors-texte.
It is reasonable that some print proofs were prepared, of which this text is a rare example.