10 reasons why collecting insects can be important

Ten reasons for collecting and preserving insect specimens There is an increasing trend to discourage collection and preservation of biological organisms including insects and their relatives. Although insects can be studied and enjoyed without killing them using observation and photographic methods, there are a number of reasons or benefits from procuring specimens: 1. Identification of …

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Natural History Curiosities - T-rex skeleton

Are dinosaurs still alive?

That starling at your birdfeeder? It is a dinosaur. The chicken on your dinner plate? Also a dinosaur. That mangy seagull scavenging for chips on the beach? Apart from being disgusting, yet again it is a modern-day dinosaur. It may seem inconceivable, but birds are living dinosaurs. Our feathered friends evolved from toothy, sharp-clawed, carnivorous …

Read more Are dinosaurs still alive?